Photo Essay: Just Cut It
Taking down a 110-year-old oak tree in Braintree, Mass.

When the tree began dropping large limbs on calm, sunny days, the property owner ordered an inspection that revealed its main load-bearing sections were rotted on the inside. Saving it was not an option, especially when its enormous mass posed a threat to human life during a storm. But how do professionals go about cutting down such a massive tree in a populated area? Don't do this work on your own; those pictured are part of a professional tree-maintenance and cutting service.

01 02 03
The climber dons boot spikes and a harness as his work day begins. From his "throne," the crane operator coordinates the operation. The crane hoists the climber toward the tree.
04 05 06
After securing each limb to the crane, he cuts it away. The chipper operator "catches" the limbs from the crane. He saws the limbs into sections the chipper can manage.
07 08 09
With a push of the button the tree limbs become mulch. The chipper can handle tree limbs several inches in diameter. The climber cautiously crawls out toward the power lines.
10 11 12
He cuts carefully knowing that live wires are nearby. The tree's hollow load-bearing section falls away. The combination of a windy day and the tree's rotted trunk creates a shower of sawdust.
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The cuts divide the main trunk into 10-foot sections. The final cut: the last section of the main trunk at ground level The massive trunk is hoisted over the wires and shakes the street when set down.

All images are copyright © 2005 by Mike Colclough, all rights reserved.